Wednesday, March 01, 2006


By; Joshua Robinson

Eastern Kentucky University [EKU] has more students than any college or university that I have attended. I was told there are six times more students that go to EKU than went to Lee University in Cleveland, Tenn. There was about 3000 students that went to Lee University. A lot of students drive it is hard to find a parking place a good and legal parking place especially for handicap drivers and disabled students.

When I was at Lee University in Cleveland, Tennessee I am unaware if I had any or other students had to pay for parking also parking students could park closer to their classes and their dorms. Lee University was a private University meaning they could charge high tuition and charge for parking however the difference is Lee University had accessible parking. Somerset Community although it was a commuter college they did not charge for parking. Somerset had about 6 handicap parking spots most of those was taken and no tickets were given out. At Lee University when students parked in handicap spots they got a boot which is something on the wheel and you had to pay to get it off.

I know that students have to pay $30 for parking an EKU permit; there are quite a few students who are handicapped of which some of them do drive. I’m one of those that drive I was given hell to go through to get my license and It is hard to walk a lot of times.

Parking is terrible for people who have a disability, when I asked Mr. Jozefowicz, how many handicap parking permits were issued this year, he responds by saying 182 handicap parking permits. When I asked Mr. Jozefowicz, How many handicapped parking spaces are there on campus? He responds, 155 marked handicapped spaces are available. It is hard to find a parking place especially a handicap parking place so I asked, how many handicapped parking spaces for each learning building and dorm (residence hall)? He states, “There are 108 near academic and administration buildings. There are 47 near residence halls. (Some of these spaces are close to both types of buildings) “ Like was mentioned there are roughly 18,000 students that go to EKU of those student that drive there was issued permits, He says, “There are Commuter permits- 5,573 total permits- 11,204”

It takes more time to park a car in the proper spot and walk to class and when a person gets to class they are so wore out its hard to learn. You can not enjoy class or learn when you’re out of breath looking for a parking spot; teachers and bosses do not like their students and or employees to be late for class/work. However when people have to park a mile or more a way from the class building, dorm, or apartment it gets bother some. It is either park far away and be late to class or park close to class and risk being towed or ticketed.

In an interview with Emerson St. John who is a Technical Adviser, and staff person about the parking the interview was done by yahoo chat. When I asked Emerson, How do you feel about the parking at EKU? He stated “I feel students have a very disadvantage when parking at EKU. We continue to build new structures, but never build a parking garage. Our enrollment numbers go up every year, and parking only gets worse. It frustrates me that students do not come first when it comes to parking.” When asked about how he felt about the handicap parking at EKU? He states, “Handicap parking is something I am not sure about. I feel there is enough handicap parking, but there is not a parking spot for the general handicap public. These spots require an EKU handicap parking decal, and I feel there should be more for outside public handicap individuals.” When asked if he had ever been ticketed he says, “I have been ticketed and think the parking fees are too high. If there were more parking spaces or a parking garage fewer tickets would be given.” When asked if he had suggestions to fix the parking problems to paraphrase build a parking garage. See EKU could get a grant to build a parking garage.

I honestly never thought of a parking garage EKU could get a grant to build a parking garage or build a parking garage with the tuition.

In an email interview with Crystal Duckwall, a student and occupational special disabilities major she states to the following questions; how do you feel about the parking? She states, “I believe that parking is always better after the second semester because people drop out or graduate...I know that sounds horrible but parking is so bad on campus; if you aren’t in the parking lots by 9 or 10pm then good luck finding any legal spot. “ When asked, do you feel EKU has an adequate number of parking spaces for handicap/disabled people? She responds, “I live in Telford and there are only about 3 or 4 handicap parking spaces and out of a building that holds more than 600 people I know there has to be more disabled people needing to find a parking space. Telford also has one of the best parking on campus so I hate to imagine what its like for the other dorms, little a lone commuter parking spots.” When I asked her have you ever been ticketed? She responds, “Ha Ha Who hasn’t been ticketed? I have had several tickets because at night when I get out of my job at and get back on campus around 1sh, I’m not about to park in a parking lot that is clear across campus. I would rather pay $15 then risk anything happening to me. I know there is the shuttle but it never comes when I call it and you can't call it after 1 or 2am.” When asked do you have any suggestions for the parking? She said, “So many things have been suggested in the past, but I think one of the best answers is a parking garage. I know it is a lot of money and has many risk of its own, but a little garage behind palmer, commonwealth, depree, or around that area is where it needs to be. If on campus people have better parking spots, then they wouldn’t take over commuter parking spots. “

My dad has used my car to take my brother to school and every year my car gets a but load of tickets for no reason; my brother has a temporarily disability. I have a handicap parking sticker issued by the state and I still got tickets. It is not fair or right for students or faculty to park a mile or more from their class, apartment, or dorm. For people like me who can not walk good and have to use a wheelchair to get to class it is absolutely terrible. My dad has seen cars get towed just for parking legally. I have seen cars parked in handicap spots with no handicap identification and those cars not get ticketed or towed. So, I got to thinking why wasn’t my state handicap parking decal good enough; why is a regular handicapped state decal/permit not sufficient? Mr. Jozefowicz, responds by saying, “To prevent abuse of handicapped parking, the University requires that handicapped individuals obtain a University Handicapped parking permit. This allows us to make sure the permit is being used by the appropriate individual. In the past there has been situations were individuals have used state handicapped permits that they were ineligible to use.“ How do handicap people obtain an EKU handicap parking decal what requirements are there to obtain an EKU handicap parking decal? Mr. Jozefowicz responds with the following, What are the requirements for students and faculty to get a handicapped permit at EKU? He responds, “To- Obtain handicapped authorization form to be filled out by doctor. - Form is reviewed by University Disabilities Services. - Once form is approved permit is issued. J. Mark Jozefowicz I’ll be driving again after Feb 07 and this is another big ticket item for me. My back should be healed up it has been 6weeks since my back surgery.

If EKU would build a parking garage like was suggested by two interviews then the rest of the parking spots could be open for handicap people’s use. Instead of giving tickets on cars first thing give the cars a warning.

For cops and campus security that have nothing better to do than ticket cars they need to look at the cars that do not have handicap parking stickers. They do not do it and it is not right for cars that do have proper identification to be ticketed; especially when the campus is not accessible for any students. My dad has seen cars get towed just for parking legally. I have seen cars parked in handicap spots with no handicap identification and those cars not get ticketed or towed.

I emailed several other people but never got a response, to let the people reading this know why only three interviews were included.

If you want to email me feel free to do so





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