Monday, February 27, 2006


Point to Ponder. Think about this one. What if God decided to stop leading us tomorrow because We didn't follow Him today? What if God couldn't take the time to bless us todaybecause we couldn't take the time to thank Himyesterday? What if we never saw another flower bloom because wegrumbled when God sent the Rain? What if God didn't walk with us today because we failedto recognize it as His day? What if, God took away the Bible tomorrow because wewould not read it today? What if, God took away His message because we failed tolisten to the messenger. THINK ABOUT THIS ONE......... What if, God didn't send His only begotten Son becauseHe wa nted us to be prepared to pay the price for sin? What if, the door of the church was closed because wedid not open the door of our heart? What if, God stopped loving and caring for us becausewe failed to love and care for others? What if, God would not hear us today because we wouldnot listen to Him? What if, God answered our prayers the way we answer Hiscall to service? What if, God met our needs the way we give Him ourlives??? What if, we failed to send this message on?? THIS IS A SIMPLE TEST....... If you love Jesus, send this to ten people and theperson who sent it to you MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS < /SPAN> The Lord's Prayer like you have never seen During the next 60 seconds, Stop whatever you are doing, andtake this opportunity. (Literally it is only One minute!)All you have to do is the following: You simply say "TheLords Prayer" for the person that sent you this message: The Lords Prayer Our Father, who are in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will be done, on Earth as it is inHeaven. Give us this day, our daily bread and forgive us ourtrespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Andlead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. ForThine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, forever. Amen. Next, you send this message to everyone you know. In a while,more people will have prayed for you and you would haveobtained a lot of people praying for others. Next, stop and think and appreciate God's power in your life, for doing what you know is pleasing to Him. If you are not ashamed to do this, follow the instructions! Jesus said, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed ofyou before My Father" If you are not ashamed, send this message...only if you believe. "Yes, I love my God. He is my fountain of Life and My Savior.He < face="Arial" color="black"> Keeps me going day andnight. Without Him, I am no one. But with Him, I can doeverything, Christ is my strength." This is a simple test. If you love God and you are not ashamed of all the great things that He has done for you, send this to everyone you know, and the person that send it to you!!! God loves you and watches over you every day. If God brings me to it, he will bring me through it ----- Here is the new postage stamp that will be issued inSeptember. Isn't it awesome? ; READ AND RETURN May today there be peace within you. May you trust God thatyou are exactly where you are meant to be. "I believe thatfriends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when ourwings have trouble remembering how to fly." Just send this to people and see what happens.


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