Wednesday, October 26, 2005



Home Spam News Spam Links
Info about reducing spam, or junk e-mail on the internet. Our goal is the dispersal of accurate and useful information. The special project underway at this time is a comparison of spam filters, the page is a work in progress. If you have info that may help us, please see the contact page.
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Volunteers needed - others to help and advise and work on the designs and goals of There has been interest expressed in the following: A spam news email list. A review and comparison of various filters. An outline to help answer basic questions like "what should I do about spam". Informational documents written on specific subjects. Information for marketers and email list owners Interpretations of new spam laws. Links to sites which answer more technical questions. Co-ordination with other anti-spam sites.

Contact us if you have an idea for useful features on this site and can work on implementing it. I am paticularly interested in publishing accurate and up-to-date information in the spam fighting field, so if you want to post something you have written, a pertinent document, or a link to something online which you have found useful, please contact me. Look at the New Info page for some recent examples.

Dec. 18th, 2004 - Telemarketer Rumors, we keep hearing about the possibility of cell phone numbers being released. Whether or not this turns out to be true you can always play it safe and call the Natonal Do Not Call List: 1-888-382-1222. It will block your number for 5 years.
New! - Our Spam News page now has an RSS feed of news compiled by Thanks also to RSS Digest.

Aug. 29th, 2004 - For those of you asking about specific things you can do personlly, we are testing out the new version of Spam Bully, which now has versions that work with either Outlook or Outlook Express. Spam Bully uses a sophisticated Bayesian spam filter based on over 20,000 spam messages. It then uses a self learning filter which learns from every new message received and sent enabling it to conform to your email habits. The more email you send and receive the more accurate Spam Bully becomes. This all happens naturally in the background with no interaction on your part. Stay tuned for a report on how it is working for us. From the makers of Spam Bully, "We hear Spam Sieve is a decent spam filter for the Mac".

Mar. 29th, 2004 - Interview with Dada Mail (Justin Simoni) about mailing list software.
Mar. 8, 2004 - New document with info on complying with federal CANSPAM Legislation.
Feb. 12, 2004 - New page with some info on open relays, still a huge problem world-wide. In the very early days of the Internet, many mail servers were kept open to allow email to travel among different networks. This was because one of the earliest uses of the Internet was by the military. One of it's main functions was for communication during emergancies and wars. The theory was that if a message was undeliverable via one path, it would try to re-route via a different path through open relays.But today, an open relay is most likely to be used by a spammer. Using automated software, spammers scan the Internet for an open relay. If they find out that your server is open, they route their bulk email through it, spamming in greater volume and less time than they could using their own individual computers. Using an open relay lets spammers conceal their identities because it appears that the spam actually comes from you. Recipients of the spam could then flood your server with complaints. The spam and resulting email traffic could overwhelm your system. If your server crashes from this overload, repairing it could be costly and time-consuming. Even more costly is the potential loss of goodwill from those who think you've sent the spam. If you're maintaining an open relay, you're leaving your door open to the theft of your computer services and creating the impression that you're sending unwanted junk mail. Go to the Open Relays page for more info on testing for, and closing, open relays on your server.

Comprehensive Spam FAQ - This FAQ will help in deciphering which machine a fake e-mail or post came from, and who (generally or specifically) you should contact.
Spam Poetry - In the STRICTLY SPAM category, where entrants were required to construct a poem entirely out of phrases from spam emails...and In the FREESTYLE category, for poems about spam...
Listen to Spam Radio - Spamradio is serving up delicious helpings of spam each hour of every day to all who are hungry. Using a complex arrangement of pipes and funnels we turn the junk mail that we receive into a streaming audio broadcast that can be enjoyed from anywhere on the Internet.

Tips to Prevent Spam - from the Spam Recycling Center. HERE ARE SIX SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP KEEP SPAM AT BAY

Free Email Policy Guide to Help Ensure Safe and Secure Employee Email Usage - Co-authored by The ePolicy Institute and Elron Software, this 16-page guide includes valuable advice on how to develop and implement an effective email policy, which includes advice for avoiding risky email use, lawsuits, wrongful terminations and lost worktime.

Spam Fighting tips from includes free script for a web based mail form that is simple, and works great.

Simple things you can do yourself. Start by reading this from :




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