Tuesday, September 27, 2005



I like many Americans have home health services and its paid for by insurances my insurances are medicare and medicaide.
One of the insurances you have to be homebound you can not go to school or better yourself or anything, the other insurance your allowed to have a life.

I recently had my confidentiality broken again by a physical therapist [pt] who works for home health and this therapist told my home health aide Sherri that I had been complaining on how she was cleaning her. I told my pt about an aide not cleaning good this person is the only one I told with this amount of detail and this aide has not been back. I had my confidetiality broken last year in March and April by an aide Angel Marcum this aide was never investigated or fired. Confidentiality is something I hold pretty close and when people tell me stuff I don't tell any one about it to anyone. This therapist said she did not say anything to my aide but comon sense says she did she did tell my aide that I was complaining about her cleaning. Not only does comon sense tell me she told my aide but she told me that in several emails I have from her in the same email she contradics herself saying one thing then in another.

This same pt got me some shoes with a right shoe lift to help me walk better, she tried to get me out patient physical therapy. However, I knew if I got pt from out patient care that I would lose home health services. This physical therapist [pt] said I would not lose my services. I went to dynamic pt they did not and would not do anything for me, they refered me somewhere else. I had my home health call for me and get me an appointment.

This place that confirmed what I knew they first called me then; I had two people call Private Corporal Wells and My nurse Deb, this place told them that if I got therapy I would lose my home health services.
If I would have done what this person wanted me to do I would have lost my home health

I may be handicap but I'm not dumb and stupid I know how the system works.

Sinse I can not get out patient physical therapy I have to get it through my home health services again. If I get the same therapist or a differant one for that matter I now know to keep my mouth shut just let them come in and sign the paper and get them out. So much for me being able to trust people.

I have had problems with home health not investigating, firng, or making aides work making them do there job. Instead of making aides work and do their job they pass them off to some one else.

I can see, hear, walk, and talk most home health patients can not walk, see, hear, or talk so most can not complain or know what to complain about. I told my pt about an aide not cleaning good this person is the only one I told with this amount of detail and this aide has not been back.

I have a better aide Shannon who is now my new aide, however I still do not have Roxanna back; Roxanna recently had surgery I'm guessig she got fired.

I recently had a visit from my home health social worker Connie, she said something that bothered me it was rude, mean and the wrong thing to say. She said, "None of the aides want to come to my house they know you will find something to complain about." This should not have been said. I have never called the office and complained to any one about anything.
I have felt like complaining on aides a lot but I never do. If the aides would actually work they would not get complained on by patients.




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