Saturday, June 02, 2007


from mysopace bulletin...

What is your stand on...

The Prison System?
The truth of the matter is that life IN prison, for most, is better than life OUT of prison. Instead of some prison's setting their prisoners up as if they were at the Hilton with awesome food, special treatment, etc...I believe it should be like the 'old days'...actual punishment for the crimes committed. Sentences need to be completed instead of being released on 'good behavior'...anyone can behave for a few months in order to get something they truly want...some criminals thrive on manipulation and that's exactly what 'getting out on good behavior' is...most of the time. It's a crock. Those who SHOULD be in jail for the rest of their lives (murderers, rapists,etc) are walkin' the street because they promised to behave when there is some punk kid, on a first offense, who got caught with a joint sitting in a cell for 5+ years.

War in general?
I support the troops 100% I do NOT support the war we are fighting in Iraq. If anything we needed to remain in Afghanistan and deal with that issue. I don't support a war in which we are fighting for the President's oil fields. The troops needed to be at home with their familes a looong time ago, taking care of things stateside. It's not our responsibility to make life better for those who hate us. They are good enough at bombing themselves and blowing themselves up, yet we are still doing it for them, costing our country a ton of money. Money we could definately use to make OUR country better. We could be feeding our hungry, clothing our homeless, fixing our own problems.

Sex before marriage?
It's an individual choice that one needs to think through before acting on it. It comes with alot of conseqence and responsibilty that one needs to be mature enough to handle.

Gay Marriage?
Government should have absolutely no say in this what so ever. They want separation of church and state...then leave religious unions alone. Love has no real definition and you cannot help who you love. I'm 100% for Gay Marriage because everyone deserves the right to their own happiness.

Prayer in school?
If someone wants to pray during school, nothing should be said. While the separation of church and state kinda makes this a sticky's an individual's right to be able to pray when they want to. I don't believe that someone should come over the intercom and pray for this and that...because beliefs vary, however, the individual or groups of individuals should be allowed to pray whenever and whereever they want.

No work on Sundays?
I'm for it. It's supposed to be the Sabbath but most employers tend to forget that some people still observe it as such...and no respect is shown for those that do.

Inter-racial marrage?
Love is color, sex, religion can change who you love.

Nude Beaches?
Well, I wouldn't personally appear on one for obvious reasons...but to each their own.

President Bush?
I don't like him. He's not cut out for the position to which he was elected. His education was bought not earned and therefore he is not qualified for the job. He has made alot of decisions with the help of people who also do not know how to run a country and I believe that he is the absolute worst president we could have had. However, I do feel sorry for him because not only has he made a fool out of himself, he's given the office a bad rap as well.

The Iraq War?
Anti-War...Pro Troops! Till they all come home!

When done for the right reasons, all for it.

Baptism at an early age?
I believe that you need to understand the commitment you are making to God, your family, the church and yourself when you are baptized. Younger children do not fully understand the commitment involved with this and while I understand that parents want their children baptized into faith as soon as possible, some consideration needs to be taken. Baptizing babies is one thing but getting baptized at the age of 6-7...I'm not all for. Maybe around 10, when they've been in church classes long enough and have had some experience concerning their faith and are old enough to ask the important questions...maybe then is the right time.

Legalize pot?
I'm not so much for legalization but I think it should be decriminalized. It would take down the numbers of arrests needing to be made for getting busted with a small amount of pot for personal use. It would then allow the police to focus on larger issues instead of some kid wanting to get high.

Raise the Legal Drinking age?
When I was 18, I thought the legal age should be 18 simply because I could smoke, buy lotto tickets, and go to the 'adult rooms' of video stores. I could join the military and go to war, possibly dying for my country. Yet...I couldn't buy myself a beer. I do believe that's a little messed up. Now that I'm 23, past the legal drinking age...I understand why it's 21. 18 year olds are not responsible enough to do a whole lot of things,especially drink...I remember being 18 and I was no where NEAR responsible with my drinking...I was 'invincible' after all. Most kids go through a wild streak at 18 and adding legal liquor to the mix would only make things worse. Even at 21, most people aren't responsible enough to be drinking. If we looked at raising it based on maturity levels that correlate with age...we would never find a 'correct age' and alcohol would be prohibited once again...So I would just leave it be...

The Death Penalty?
Depending on the crime, I'm all for it. Murderers should be murdered. Rapists should be castrated with no numbing agent. I have a whole plan for these rue the day when I get to make the rules :-)

I'm against it for myself. I couldn't ever do that because I want a baby of my own so bad and I know there are millions of people out there wanting kids if I knew I couldn't take care of a child. There are a few exceptions where I could understand a woman's reasoning for wanting an abortion but I would hope that she educate herself on the other options before doing so and not just use it as a form of birth control...It's a woman's right to choose.

Raise Taxes?
Definately not. We're already paying more than enough.

Legally, I'm for it. Illegally...send'em back.

Freedom of Religion?

Gun Control?
If a person is educated on the use of their weapon and is willing to sign a registery stating what weapons they have and their locations...I do not see a problem with it. I want a gun myself, for protection purposes.

Welfare checks?
When used correctly, I think it is a nice idea. Those people who use it as a they can 'live off their check' and not work...I believe should have it ripped away from them. There are too many people who CAN work but won't and still get their checks....and there are so many out there who are barely making it, working what they can, juggling kids, etc and are barely over the threshold to be able to get a check. People who need it temporarily should be able to get Welfare. It should not be a long-term thing. If you are able to work, then to continue getting your should be working until you are stable and then the welfare should be cut off. I'm sorry but I don't like the fact that I have to bust my ass to make it when others can sit on the couch and watch tv, poppin' out a few babies every couple of years and make more money than I do.

Food stamps?
Same as welfare.

Require college?
Some people aren't cut out for no. However I do think tuition is ridiculous and those who want to attend but can't afford it...There should be better financial aid and lower tuition so that more people who want to go to college can go and not put themselves in horrible debt doing so.

The draft?
Against it. It should be a person's choice to enlist. However, in war-times...I think the president's kids should be 'drafted'. Mostly I think Bush's girls need to be shipped over and put on front lines so that he can see what he's doing to his people.


Should I tunes be Free?
I think some artists need to benefit from their music being sold, however I think sharing music should be free. How am I going to know if I like a new artist if I don't hear them first...I'm not going to go out and buy an entire album just to 'check them out'.

Animal Rights?
Animals in this country have more rights that people in alot of cases. If you kill a MAY serve 10 years. You kill an animal you are looking at 25+. It's skewed. Animals should have full rights...they are living creatures and we should take care of them.

Wrong! Freedom of Speech!

Flag burning?
We have the freedom of demonstation/protest. Some may see this as wrong (I do) but others feel as if it's making a statement. I don't believe in it and would never do it....but to each their own.

Help the Homeless?
This is one of my 'issues'. I absolutely cannot stand to see a homeless person, especially one sleeping on the ground or digging through trash for food. I'm always stopping and giving them food or whatever I can find in my car. I see a few of my former patients out there and to me, they are like my children and I cannot drive by and feel good about myself. I have often stopped to talk and walk with them...I've made McDonald's runs...I have a few 'children' that I've claimed in downtown Lexington. They know my car and they know me...I love them and would take them home in a heartbeat but I know I can't. Helping the homeless shouldn't be some 'charity task' is our responsiblity to take care of those in our presence who have less than we do.

Medical Pot? one deserves to be in that kind of pain when smokin' a lil pot here and there will make the remainder of their lives easier.

Outlaw Tobacco?
If weed is outlawed...tobacco should be too. Nicotine is actually really addictive, more so than anyone ever thought. Weed, however, is only psychologically addictive, not physically...and does less harm to a person than tobacco.

Continue Nuclear Weapons Development?
No...enough said.

End all Nuclear Weapons Development?
Yes...enough said.

Cell Phones?
People need to learn how to be responsible with them and not use them at inappropriate times. Children should not have them...period. That is the most annoying thing I've ever seen. The only phones a child should have is that special one they've come out with now for kids that only allows them to dial certain numbers and only certain numbers can dial into them. It's a good safety measure for kids. Teenagers should get them when they start going out or driving...for safety reasons.

Hilary Clinton?
She is a wonderful lady, but I like her hubby better!


Wrong...unless you are stealing food to feed your family when you have no other way to get it--then I could turn my head or at least offer to buy it for you.

That's a big no!

Genetic engineering?
In a way I can be 'for it'...but I think that nature should just be allowed to take it's course.

Artificial Insimination?
I'm all for it! :-)

It's a little odd but it'd be cool.

Definately 100% for it!


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