Thursday, March 09, 2006


prayer request

Usually I don't ask anyone to forward anything, but I felt this to be important. The more people we can reach for prayer the better. Because the word says if 2 or 3 agree it shall be done.

Hailey Jean Begley (she is the grand daughter of my sister that passed away).
age 5.
Hailey came into this world with the left side of her heart being small, and the aorta being too small. When she was 6 days old they did open heart surgery on her. She was in the hospital for the first 33 days of her life. God did a miracle for her, and she came home. She has been a happy, active, beautiful little girl up until this past Monday. I received a call from pre-school, that something was wrong. Her Mom wasn't home at the time, so they called me. I went and picked Hailey up, you could just tell things weren't right. To make a long story short. She was taken to the local hospital, and then to UK Children's Hospital. They seem to think she has had a light heart attack with some small damage.
Since my sister's death I have tried to fill her shoes with being Nana to Hailey.
When they said small damage, to me it didn't make any difference, small, big, damage is damage.
I would love for all of you to forward this on to praying people. Let get a chain of prayer going for Hailey. I pray she will never have to go through what she did Monday.
Thanks for all your prayers, may God bless you all.
Suzanne Woodruff


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