Friday, February 10, 2006


Goose Bumps> ===========> > I had written a cheque for a friend for a small amount and asked> her to cash it A.S.A.P. She never did. She waited two weeks,> sending my account into overdraft for $6.18.> > One morning, while out on my usual bike ride, I updated my> passbook at a local bank machine, only to discover my friend's> error.> > Now, I do have overdraft protection and the amount is small,> but everyone knows that any bank will hold even the smallest> infraction against you in the long run. I was angry. I got> back onto my bike, made my way to our bike path here in town,> turned my walkman radio up full and started pedaling hard in> order to alleviate my aggression.> > I prefer physical exercise to reduce hostile feelings; it works,> and I feel better.> > As I rounded a corner going at top speed, a gaggle of Canadian> geese were near the path and a couple had made their way onto> the path blocking my route. I slammed on my brakes, forcing my> body to jerk and hit the handlebars.> > I looked up, ready to curse a blue streak and saw two large> geese guarding six goslings. Now if you have ever seen these> wonders of nature in their child-form, you'll know why I> stopped.> > I truly believe God was sending me a gentle reminder that while> money is important to us, there are a heck of a lot more things> that require our attention; namely the natural things in life:> our children, our health, caring for each other, etc.> > I stayed where I was, watching these miracles of nature and> feeling the anger melt from my body. At least my friend is safe> from my ire now.> > Man/Woman created money and the need for it in order to survive> today, but our Lord is the reason we are here. So every now and> then a gentle reminder or bump may be all that is required, but> wouldn't it be great if we did not need any reminders at all?> > I hope I live to see that day.>


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